If you would like a wiki editor account, please join the Discord and ping @Council of Analytics in #moderation_centre with your requestAAT52 Original Poster 2 years ago yes, lack of Tdolls contracts because always use them before know about 100 Tdolls productions mission so focus on trying to get them more from 2h, 5h, and 6h logistics mission in last few daysApr 10, · Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba, Giyu Tomioka, Shinobu Kochou, Giyu/Shinobu are the most prominent tags for this work posted on April 11th,

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Aat-52 gfl-DiscOne Nuke She is easy to get, has decent stats plus a good skill, and fairly resourcefriendly, making her recommended for new players and lasts all the way up to endgameHer nice character design is a bonus Historical InJoke Much of her dialogue consists of her worrying about the amount of ammunition she is carrying with her andHOC Chip Calculator Usage;

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GFL Explained HOC • BGM71 • 2B14 • AGS30 • AT4 • M2;We will be having our first collaboration event "Operation Rabbit Hunt" from November th – December 10th This is a collaboration with Guilty Gear and BlazBlue More details will be released soon Oh man GG & BB collab for GFL on the th then Neptunia collab in AL on the 23rd, i'm gonna be a busy man _ Neptunia event fortunately is likeParts & Seals Menu Toggle Parts;
The M4 SOPMODII is an M4A1 Carbine combined with a SOPMOD Block II kit The SOPMOD (Special Operations Peculiar MODification) kits are accessory systems for the M4A1 carbine and other weapons used by USSOCOM (United States Special Operations Command) The kit allows special operations personnel to configure their weapons to fit individual preference and missionJul 27, 19 · An assorted G&K TDoll characters made an appearance In no particular order, they are MG5, StG44, PPSh41, M950A, Grizzly MkV, AAT52, M1918 BAR, and FAL Sangvis Ferri ringleader Destroyer appeared in her three forms Destroyer, Garm, and GaiaJun 15, 21 · Server EN (Sunborn) KR (XD Global) CN (Bilibili/Digital Sky) TW (Tianxia Game) JP (Sunborn) Recipe Preset HG Set #1 HG Set #2 Beginner Recommended HG MICA Recommended SMG Cheap SMG MICA Recommended AR Cheap G11 Voodoo AR MICA Recommended RF Cheap RF MICA Recommended MG Set #1 MG Set #2 MG Voodoo MG MICA Recommended Uncensor
Pages in category "TDolls" The following 0 pages are in this category, out of 307 total (previous page) ()Aug 26, · The Girls Frontline tier list It should be noted that in the Girls Frontline tier list that we have prepared for all our readers, we focus on the level of each character in the game In this way, we were able to build an order based on the hierarchy of each of them This was obtained from the power, skills and playability that these strikingHOC Leveling & Upgrades;

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AR Shows up when sum of resources put in is greater than or equal to 800 RF Shows up when Manpower and Food MRE is greater than or equal to 300 SG To include all SG, minimum recipe of 6000, 1000, 6000, 3000 is required *These are absolute requirements, not the recommended recipes for the crafting each type of TdollAn 94 gfl AN94 IOP Wik The AN94, or Avtomat Nikonova 1994, is a 545x39mm caliber gasoperated Russian firearm made by PO Izhmash made during Project AbakanAka AAT52 Between an useless skill and even more useless buff tiles not worth using under any circumstances

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GFL Explained Expedition System;Jun 21, 21 · RF Carcano M11 MG RPK16 SG DP12 HG C93 SMG CMS AR T91 RF Carcano M91/38 MG ZB26 HG HP35Aka AAT52 Between an useless skill and even more useless buff tiles not worth using under any circumstances Sumitomo Type 62 GPMG Machine Gun ★★★ Trophy Raifu Aka 62 Shiki if you're a fucking weeb Awful stats, worse skill, and her tiles are nothing impressive either – their shape is good, but a measly 8% armour buff isn't worth bothering with

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All characters in Girls Frontline including VP70, MAT49, PTRD, MA1, Negev and many moreManufactured by Kalashnikov Concern Developed 11~12/16 (model 16) In service AK12 is a character from the Tactical SRPG ES game Girls' Frontline developed by MicaTeam and published by Digital Sky and its derivatives She joined theFrench AA52 The AA52 was adopted to replace the Chatellerault light machine gun in French military service in 1952 The AA52 is rather unusual in being a riflecaliber (75×54 French, specifically) machine gun using a leverdelayed blowback action The AA52 was intended to serve as both a portable light machine gun and also a heavy mounted

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52 Machine Gun Wikipedia
The AAT52 is a machine gun of French origin It was developed in the early 1950's to replace the various weapons in different calibers in service up to that point The name AAT52 stands for "Arme Automatique Transformable Modèle 1952", which translates toBare Your Midriff Courtesy of her crop top;The name AAT52 stands for Arme Automatique Transformable Modèle 1952, which translates to transformable automatic weapon, model 1952 This refers to its use as a general purpose machine gun, being both carried by infantry, used on tripods and fitted to vehicles The AAT52 has a peculiar design using a leverdelayed blowback mechanism

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Jun 14, 21 · The characters in Girls Frontline are categorized into six groups The leading heroes in the group S are FAL and G11 Their weapon is the Assault Rifle They are the best T dolls you should consider playing with The main heroes in group A are AA12 and AK12 The weapons of AA12 are shotguns and the weapon of AK12 is the Assault RifleMay 18, 21 · 또한 실제 디비전 콜라보에서 어린이 인형인 P7과 ART556에 대해 조금 과보호적인 면모를 보여주어 M870로부터 매일 유치원 문앞에서 서있는 아줌마 같다고 놀림을 받기도 한다 반면 VSK94는 정작 VSS의 탈을 쓴 91기반에 가깝기 때문에 드물게 고증을 반영해 91Dec 01, · 33 평가 편집 소녀전선에 단 4명뿐인 진형붕괴 보유자 중 하나 화력도 M17 다음으로 높고 무엇보다 탄창이 5발이라는 게 가장 큰 장점이다 진형 버프는 2SG 조합을 강요하는 위치이긴 하지만 MG가 가장 목말라하는 화력을 올려주기에 꽤 쓸만한 편이다 1

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AAT52 Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Comments Share Statistics AAT52 Growth Health (A) 91 → 1 Damage (A) 34 → 79 Evasion (A) 4 → 22 Accuracy (A) 4 → 22 Movement Speed (B) 4 Rate of Fire (A) 87 → 119 Operational Effectiveness 240 → 4453 Supply Consumption NO111AAT 52 (franska Arme Automatique Transformable Modèle 1952) är en kulspruta tillverkad av franska Manufacture d'armes de SaintÉtienne (MAS) Det var den första inhemska vapnet som började produceras efter andra världskriget Konstruktion AAT 52 har ett halvreglat slutstycke där rekylkraften får verka på en hävarm som skjuter tillbaka slutstycket bakre del och därmed ävenAAT โอกาสธุรกิจในตลาดสด AAT โอกาสธุรกิจ ข้างถนน ด้วย รถยนต์ AAT Latex Value Chain AAT ATALL Pregnant Value Chain AAT ATALL MICE Value Chain AAT Durian Value Chain AAT Orange Value Chain ส้ม ห่วงโซ่

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Like energy in other mobile games, once you're out of resources you pretty much can't play the game until you restock Unlike energy, there's a couple different uses for each resource in GFL There are 4 types of resource in the game Manpower Used for deploying echelons on the field and repairing damaged TDollsThe AA52 (full designation in French Arme Automatique Transformable Modèle 1952, "Transformable automatic weapon model 1952") is one of the first Frenchproduced guns of the post–World War II eraIt was manufactured by the French governmentowned Manufacture d'armes de SaintÉtienne (MAS) company The AA52 is still used today as a vehiclemounted weapon16 Trivia 16 was a great year for anime We have all kinds of interesting and fascinating trivia from this year to share with you The most viewed series from that year on Anime Characters Database is My Hero Academia ( 304 views ) Our series view count resets each month as to give you a rolling idea what is currently popular A total of 162 titles were released in 16

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Contact Us Numrich Gun Parts Corporation 226 Williams Ln Kingston, NY PhoneAAT52 BerettaModel38 BM59 Bren Ten DP28 F00 FG42 FN49 FNP9 G3 G43 Galil IDW L85A1 LWMMG M3 m45 M1911 MG34 MP40 MP446 Nagant Revolver P38 PP00 PPK PPSh41 SIG510 Simonov Spectre M4 SVT38 Type 63 Type 64 USP Compact Fairies Collab Anna Graem Chloe Kaguya Hime Preiya & Camilla Sehra & Nina Suee Yae Sakura Craftable Airstrike ArmorAK12 One of Ange's personal combat TDolls Smug and arrogant to pretty much everyone, but becomes cold and calculating in combat See her entry in Girls Frontline Assault Rifles for more information AN94 One of Ange's personal combat TDolls Seemingly only exists to follow AK12 wherever she goes

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Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 9 августа 19 в 0629 Files are available under licenses specified on their description pageJun 25, 12 · French AA52 The AA52 was adopted to replace the Chatellerault light machine gun in French military service in 1952 The AA52 is rather unusual in being a riflecaliber (75×54 French, specifically) machine gun using a leverdelayed blowback action The AA52 was intended to serve as both a portable light machine gun and also a heavy mounted1aid, ,sno y u a Iioe an I Un1c ertodl vu ADrELcn ule A19a CINM R i4 ''""~ asoo LAt HAB A "ABD" nl9m E JUN CaE ,98SNO GE VS O IA IR MJLA AYMQ EIA*5CNA O

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